Plan Your Next Getaway With Afristay!

When you think about your daily routine, do you sometimes feel that you could do with a bit of a change? I mean, routine is all fine and well and part of our lives whether we like it or not. But there comes a time where shaking things up can make the difference between monotony and putting a spring back in your step. How many of you wake up at the same time each morning, drink the same cup of coffee or smoothie, eat the same breakfast, drive the same route to work … I think you get where I’m going with this.

Breathtaking views of iconic Table Mountain and the cool Atlantic Ocean.

I try to change my daily routine whenever I can. Even small changes can make a difference. I eat a different breakfast on most days. Instead of taking my walks around our neighbourhood, I might hop in the car, drive to the beach and enjoy a long walk along the water’s edge.


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